Friday, 20 September 2013
Just some random stuff i just felt like saying :P
so..... basically what happened today... i had french [and cinna, aka esther, had japanese] and our teacher gave us CAKEEEEEE ^^ yay but that's 'cos it's basically the last lesson before the exams and the last lesson for the year :( but then i already had one whole bottle of blueberry tea and two pieces of gum ^^ and now... oops. too much sugar... :P but hey thanks we've got one more follower just today, and +46 that is just soo cool :D and we're just under 26,000 views so thank you all! :D i'll not be posting much today nor will i be posting much in the next few weeks. i'm sorry, but we have our end-of-years to look forward to :'( first it's 3rd lang[uage] oral just next monday [damn to say the truth i actually haven't revised at all] and then all the exams will start pouring in until the 10th of october when we have our last paper [chemistry - to be honest, it's one of my worst subjects]... once a day would do this blog good, but i can't be sure.... uhhh... well i'll post whenever i can, so yeah... i promise we'll post like damn lot after our exams okay?? :P and now i've gotta go revise argh but i'll still be posting like some stuff... not too much, but yeah... wish us luck!! ^^
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